Fire Barak Now!
And replace him with Moshe Ya'alon! Yes, there is
a 100% solution. It is called defeating Hamas. Then
dont turn it back over to the killers to ramp up
again. Take back the Gaza-Sinai border and close the
If you do that they can not re-arm. Gaza doesnt
need a government. It is just a terror enclave that
needs to be deprived of its weapons.
100 percent destruction of Gaza will put an end
to missile and mortar attacks. What a shame that we
have a defense minister who lacks the courage to do
his job.
There is 100% solution
Appoint Barak to be DM of Hamas or PA and see
them loose badly all fightings. He can tech them a
lesson or two on how to run with a tail between his
Best solution, dump barak, get a real defense
Ehud Barak is part of the problem ...
it beggars belief that this idiot is still 'defense
minister' ... no wonder the islamists are laughing
at Israel. Netanyahu could give himself a great
boost by firing this incompetant idiot now
Dear Stupid Ehud Barak
Please go find a dictionary and study the meaning
of the word's defeat and victory.
. Fire him!
It's either of the two: do the work for which you
were appointed, namely protecting Israel with all
the means , and I insist on ALL THE MEANS at your
disposal or be fired. It's that simple to me. And to
many people. I guess.
Barak, you are impotent and full of it. Shut
. Barak the Deceiver. Of course, there is a
Everyone KNOWS what it is. Total defeat of the
enemy. And Declare sovereignty over Judea, Samaria
and Gaza.
Barak, everybody wants you to RESIGN now !
Of Course There's a 100% Solution
it's called carpet bombing!
I assure you, there would be no more rockets
coming out of Gaza.
. The destruction of Gaza will be a good place
to start.
Yes, there IS a way to protect 100% from rockets
from Gaza: make it too painful for the psychopaths
to do it. Force them all into Egypt. While Israel's
elected/appointed fools wring their hands, Israelis
are waiting to see when their 'luck' runs out and
who will be the sacrificial lamb. Bibi and Barak are
useless tools incapable of being leaders.