Jared Kushner står angivelig bak Trumps Gaza-løsning

Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law and owner of Trump Tower 666 Fifth Avenue, is reportedly behind Trump’s controversial solution for Gaza and the Palestinians, according to a report in the Times Of Israel. The news of Trump’s proposal has hit like a bomb in Europe and the plan is facing strong opposition. According to the Times Of Israel, it is Jared Kushner, who some consider an antichrist candidate, who is behind the idea that the Americans should take over the Gaza Strip and drive the Palestinians out of the area. The proposal has angered both the Palestinians and their allies in European capitals and the plan will be met with massive political opposition.

Benjamin Netanyahu could be smiling from ear to ear after yesterday’s session in the White House. For Israel, it would be very good news if Trump’s plan is realized and Palestinians are displaced from the area to new pastures. Such a solution could create peace in the area and park Hamas far on the sidelines. But it is doubtful whether Hamas will voluntarily agree to leave Gaza and therefore it may of course be appropriate for the United States to send soldiers to Gaza to clear the area. 

Jared Kushner, a possible candidate for the Antichrist

Donald Trump’s son-in-law, who is himself Jewish, is, according to some prophecy researchers, a possible candidate to be what the Bible refers to as the Antichrist. There are a number of videos on YouTube that point to Jared Kushner as Mr 666 himself. Vel, den som lever får se. 

Én tanke om “Jared Kushner står angivelig bak Trumps Gaza-løsning

  1. Tror det er en trykkfeil i artikkelteksten, Trump tower ligger på 725 5th Ave. Videoen snakker om en kontorbygning som ligger på 666 5th Ave.

    Generelt er det mye spekulasjoner der ute på youtube. Jeg er fullstendig enig i artikkelavslutningen: «Den som lever får se».

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