Ekstremt kraftige folkelige fordømmelser av Netanyahu’s knefall for internasjonalt press. Bennett og Liberman oppfordres til å felle regjeringen
Den israelske regjeringen vil i morgen drøfte et egyptisk våpenhvileforslag som skal få en slutt på den israelske militæroperasjonen mot Hamas. Etter en uke med intense palestinske rakettangrep og omfattende israelsk bombing vil den israelske regjeringen etter alt å dømme gi etter for press og inngå en ny «Ehud Olmert avtale» som betyr at Hamas overfor sitt eget folk kan pårope seg nok en seier over Israel. Flere politiske størrelser i Israel går i kveld hardt ut mot forslaget og en av dem som toner flagg og vil stemme mot er økonomi-minister Naftali Bennett. Bennett som leder partiet «jødiske hjem» informerte sent mandag kveld media om at han kom til å stemme i mot det egyptiske forslaget. Også visesikkerhetsminister Danny Danon er kritisk til det egyptiske forslaget og kaller det «et slag i ansiktet på det israelske folk». Imidlertid tyder alt på at Obama vil lykkes med å pushe Netanyahu til en prematur våpenhvile som innebærer at Hamas igjen kan gjøre seierstegnet å erklære seg som den vinnende side
En våpenhvile nå er et slag i ansiktet på det israelske folk og en kapitulasjon overfor Hamas er blant reaksjonene som er kommet i kjølvannet av nyheten om at Israel nå vil vurdere et våpenhvileforslag fra Egypt. Knesset medlem Ayelet Shaked omtalte det egyptiske forslaget med ordene: «En våpenhvile som ikke har slått ut Hamas raketter og tunneller er en kapitulasjon overfor Hamas,» mens knesset medlem Miri Regev (Likud) omtaler våpenhvileforslaget slik: «Jeg oppfordrer statsministeren til å ikke gå med på en våpenhvile men heller ta en avgjørelse som svekker Hamas gjennom effektiv bruk av både flyvåpen, bakkestyrker og marinen. -Vi har nå en virkelig mulighet og må ikke returnere til en våpenhvile som tillater at Hamas forblir ved makten,» sa den kvinnelige Likud politikeren. Avigdor Liberman har hittil ikke uttalt seg om hva hans fraksjon mener om det egyptiske forslaget, men ut fra det utenriksministeren tidligere har signalisert vil han neppe støtte en våpenhvile nå. Det er ventet at den israelske regjeringen vil være splittet over forslaget som den israelske statsministeren mest sannsynlig vil komme til å anbefale. Blant folk flest blir nyheten i kveld mottatt med vantro, raseri og oppgitthet.
Fra debatten i israelsk presse: «Bibi’s days as the PM are numbered now, the conflicts with Liberman, Bennett and right-wing Likudniks will now intensify»
Svært kraftige leserreaksjoner i israelsk presse, -ber Bennett og Liberman felle Netanyahu-regjeringen
Netanyahu’s tilråding av å si ja til det egyptiske våpenhvileforslaget blir ikke godt mottatt blant den jevne israeler som fram til nå har rukket å kommentert nyheten. I følge israelsk presse skal Netanyahu mest sannsynlig komme til å tilråde sikkerhetskabinettet å si ja til forslaget, men dersom han hadde vågd å lytte til folkets røst hadde det blitt nei. I følge israelske kilder er sikkerhetskabinettet dypt splittet over forslaget og flere mener Netanyahu er i ferd med å begå samme tabbe som tidligere statsminister Ehud Olmert, -som også inngikk en våpenhvile som ikke har løst et eneste problem. Søkelys har sett litt på noen av de reaksjoner som har kommet fra vanlige israelere som kommenterer nyheten om en mulig våpenhvile og svært få finner grunn til å rope halleluja over det man oppfatter som et israelsk knefall.
Folket raser mot Netanyahu i israelske aviser
If only Yonaton (bror til Netanyahu som ble drept i kamp) could see his brother now. He would probably change his appearance so that nobody knows who he is. I was one of Bens strongest supporters. But now for sure he is a lost cause
Netanyahu can add a ceasefire to his other «achievements»: surrender to Hamas will go nicely alongside the 10 month racist building freeze in JS, apologizing to Erdogan, and releasing Muslim murderers. Permitting Hamas to get away with murder fits well into those other statesmanlike actions.
This is a defeat. It shows that Israel can not stand for itself. It allows anybody to attack and get away with it.
NO ceasefire, Bibi, show some backbone for once !!!!
Liberman and Bennett can block this, by sacrificing the government. Seriously, if Netanyahu cannot be stopped in any other way from signing this nonsense, the two other gentlemen on the right will have to pull the plug out of this Netanyahu government!
Another «cease fire» Mr. Prime Minister…???? About a year and a half ago, you signed another «cease fire» that time brokered by Obamba’s pals, the Brotherhood and now you see, even in you don/t want to, what were the results of your foolish acceptance :Better and loner range missiles…. Are the Israeli people agreeing with this arrangement or is it another ‘PAPPA KNOWS BEST» deal….?????
this is the end of Israel. If it could not defeat a two-bit Hamas, how will it ever stand up to Iraq and to Iran? Every enemy now has the measure of Israel. Fire a cluster of rockets to overwhelm the Iron Dome, be more accurate in your firing, keep more children around the rocket launchers and have more missiles in hospitals. The Islamists have learned.
Michael Sabbeth
I really hope that the Likud will be hit hard in the next elections, especially in the south of Israel where traditionally the Likud had a strong support
Same old, same old BS. I regret that, yet again, I had been hopeful for a less than suicidal response from the Israeli gov. Netanyahu is providing for endless repeats of the same old scenario, with each repetition costing Israel more as it reacts to attacks from a larger, better armed Hamas. Most recently we allowed a ceasefire in 2012, and here we are fighting a much stronger Hamas (yet again), for which we have paid a higher price. The Israeli government has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. NOthing less than eliminating Hamas rocket capability, total disarmement, and destruction of tunnels should even be considered.
Bibi,this is your last term as prime-minister.If you canot take heat-do not go to politics.You remember that obama put his shoes on the table in front of you.This was disrespect for every Jew in the world. He is follower of religion of piece. Remember how he kiss hand of Saudi king-the chief Ishmaelite?
How much propaganda can Israel put out declaring that Hamas is weak and begging! Hamas will still be in charge of Gaza and still use its population as shields. They will still retain thousands of rockets to attack again. How foolish is Netanyahu to accept such a deal.
If Bibi accepts this cease fire without fully routing Hamas, he should be exiled and never allowed back. PATHETIC!
To agree to a truce is a win for Hamas, plain & simple. The heavily armed nation of Israel with advanced weapons can’t even take out a bunch of terrorists who are equipped with simple rockets and outdated weapons, what a joke!
Liberman, Aharonovich, Bennet – against cease fire.
Lapid, Livni, Netanyahu – for the cease fire.
Erdan and Ya’alon will decide where things go.
Bibi is pathetic . Sorry, but if the PM goes for this deal, he should be thrown out !!!!!!
It was a disgrace throwing South of Israel under the bus 2005-2013, it would be a disgrace now. TA is mostly spared, so hedonists in its cafes can enjoy while people in the South suffer terribly. BB – I am direly disappointed.
…..This is the 2nd time the IDF stands ready on the border of Gaza to go in and deal with the terrorists and Bibi pulls his punches. Ultimately I do not think this is good for Israel. Stopping now is a mistake.
A truce is a loss for Israel. Terrorism will continue until the soft civilian population of Israel is rocketed into submission.
The Israeli’s have lost spirit and are not the same as their ancestors who built is up from the ashes to rise again. What a disgrace they are becoming. No stomach for battle in the middle east means oblivion.
I think Israel has bowed to political pressure. People are relentlessly fighting a PR war against Israel.
UNFORTUNATELY, the «diplomatic» solution is a Hamas win. Who knows what kind of rockets they will fire next time? Drones with chemical weps or depleted uranium? Any ceasefire does not change anything in Hamas’ charter; namely that Israel’s destruction is their goal.
Time for new elections????
«The goals of the operation were to restore quiet for a long period of time, and that goal has been achieved» — Israeli diplomat. Perhaps I am mistaken, but isn’t Hamas still fring rockets? Maybe the rockets flying toward Israel did not get this diplomat’s memo.
.Bottom line: If the PM agrees to this cease fire, it is a strategic failure. Even worse, it is strategic imbecility (borrowing Mr. Sherman’s line)..
Hamas must be utterly defeated — and seen as defeated in the arab world. We are not even close to this as Hamas is still firing rockets after their iftar meal. Forget the ‘quiet for quiet’ — how about victory.
I expect the coalition now to fall apart and Bibi will lose the primaries for Likud leadership
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I don’t understand this talk of a ceasefire. I would think Israel would want Gaza neutralized, freeing its military for possible action with Iran, a very real possibility. This is a golden opportunity to accomplish that. Just my opinion, as the burden of governing doesn’t fall on my shoulders.