


  Hjelp jødene hjem


Våpenhvileavtalen skaper sterke reaksjoner blant jøder i og utenfor Israel

Våpenhvileavtalen som ble inngått mellom Hamas og statsminister Benyamin Netanyahu rakk ikke engang å bli en halvtime før palestinske terrorister igjen tok seg den frihet å beskyte Israel med raketter. Jøder i og utenfor Israel er svært kritisk til regjeringens håndtering av den siste krisen og har liten tro på den nå brutte våpenhvilen. Nedenfor kan du lese noen av de reaksjoner vi har klippet fra israelske aviser.

There is a reason terrorists are called terrorists!

You never negotiate with, or listen to the promises of terrorists. Rather, you just take them out and then you have a real ceasefire.

20 minutes? that's the longest they ever kept a ceasefire

gotta give credit where it's due.

Arab ceasefire: You cease, they fire.

Islamic Jihad admits it, saying "there was no rush to hold fire."

Raymond in DC , Washington, DC USA

Hamas making fools out of Bibi and Barak

Israel,under the leadership of these two criminaly insane self hating leftist cowards,has become the laughing stock and punching bag of the whole world.these two traitorous enemy colaborating cowards are turning all of Israel into a one big Aushwitz,where hundreds of thousands of jews have to sleep in bunkers in fear of their lives. what a sick and disgusting spectacle this has become,in any other normal country,these traitors would be hanging from the gallows.           chaim.s , 54 st brooklyn ny


So they want a ceasefire, but also to keep killing us? and still not a peep from the rest of the world condemning them... Hamas needs to keep their dogs on a leash

daniella , israel

Isreal look so weak

Israel have no plan and look weak and hopeless

Shlomo the Homo , Tel Aviv


















Sist oppdatert: 04.06.10