Massivt rakett-angrep mot Jerusalem -medlemmer av Knesset sendt i bomberom

Palestinske terrorister på Gazastripen gjennomfører nå et større rakettangrep mot Jerusalem. I Knesset som er det israelske parlamentet ble forhandlingene avbrutt og de folkevalgte ble sendt i tilfluktsrom. Luftsirener ble utløst over Jerusalem og folk har løpt i dekning. Krigen er nå inne i sin niende dag. Israel har ennå ikke iverksatt sin bebudede bakkeinvasjon og det drøyer med henvisning til dårlig vær. Etter at Hamas forrige lørdag angrep Israel har landet vært i krigstilstand.

Krig er kommet til Israel. Videoer fra Twitter

Én tanke om “Massivt rakett-angrep mot Jerusalem -medlemmer av Knesset sendt i bomberom

  1. Kortid vert tempelplassen rydda og gjort klar for tempelet?
    Dei viktigaste tinga har skjedd.

    First is the foundation of the modern state of Israel and the miraculous victories that G‑d gave the people of Israel in the wars against 22 Arab enemy states.

    Second is the regathering of the people of Israel from all over the world to the Promised Land.

    Third is the liberation and consecration of the Temple Mount.
    Fourth is the building of the Third Temple.

    The final step is the coming of the King of Israel, Messiah Ben David.
    Alt er klart for tempelet.

    When I stood in front of the location of the Holy of Holies on the Holy Temple Mount, tears of joy and excitement filled my eyes and the eyes of the soldiers. I felt like I was hearing the call of G‑d telling me: «For this moment and for this Most Holy Place, the Holy of Holies, I saved your life. Build my House and go to my people Israel and call them to build my House with no more delay, so I will dwell again among my people Israel and among all creation.» This was the time that I desired and prepared myself for all my life since childhood. I, and the soldiers around me, felt the presence of G‑d so powerfully on this most Holy Place in the entire world. We could feel the holiness of the location of the Holy of Holies, which is covered by the Dome of the Rock that the Arab Muslims built after their initial occupation of the Holy Temple Mount in the year 638 ce…….The G‑d of Israel, the G‑d of the Jews, sent me to show you the location of the Jewish Temple and to tell the people of Israel that He returned to His House to be rebuilt now by His people Israel.» Then he took me and the soldiers to the Dome of the Rock and said, «This is the location of the Holy of Holies.» Then he took us to the Eastern Gate and said, «Your Machiach (Messiah), the seed of David, will come through this gate.»

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